duminică, 3 august 2014

Paris streets

          En: Paris my friends...the city of love is exactly how i remember it. Gorgeous architecture , magnificent monuments , busy boulevards and temporary food markets. One of the best ways to visit Paris is to stroll along its endless grand avenues , narrow streets and boulevards which will eventually lead you to an opening of a specious square. We walked along L'Avenue des Champs Elysees and reached Place Charles de Gaulle-Etoile, with the symbol of Paris- Arc de Triumphe , which commemorates the French victories of the Napoleonic era. I was is Paris so many times before, but i never got the chance to visit Notre Damme de Paris , so this day was the perfect day to go there...or so we thought. The line to go inside was really really long so we decided to come back in September when the holidays will be finished. "Our lady of Paris" is the most popular monument in Paris and in all of France , beating even the Eiffel Tower with 13 million visitors each year. But more about the Eiffel Tower in my next blog post...

        Ro: Paris dragele mele...orasul dragostei este exact cum mi-l aduc aminte. Arhitectura splendida, monumente grandioase, bulevarde animate si piete cu mancare. Una din cele mai bune metode de a vizita Parisul este sa te plimbi pe strazile interminabile , pe stradutele inguste si pe bulevarde , care intr-un fel sau altul te vor face sa ajungi intr-un spatiu foarte deschis. Noi am ales sa ne plimbam pe Champs Elysees pana am ajuns la Place Charles de Gaulle-Etoile , acolo unde se afla si simbolul absolut al Parisului- Arcul de Triumf care comemoreaza victoriile francezilor din vremea lui Napoleon. Am fost de nenumarate ori in acest oras fantastic , dar niciodata nu am ajuns sa vizites Notre Damme de Paris si am decis ca azi era cea mai buna zi in care sa mergem acolo...sau cel putin asa am crezut. Am ajuns la cea mai mare coada pe care am vazut-o in viata mea, astfl incat am hotarat sa ne intoarcem sa vizitam interiorul in Septembrie , atunci cand vacanta se va incheia. "Doamna noastra a Parisului" este cel mai popular monument din Paris, ba chiar din intreaga tara, depasind chiar si Turnul Eiffel cu 13 milioane de vizitatori pe an. Mai multe insa despre Turn in postarea urmatoare...

Enjoy and stay chic...

Dear God...this MAC!!!!

14 comentarii:

  1. Beautiful pictures! You look really pretty in these photos :) Thanks for sharing...and have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

    xo Azu


  2. Gorgeous pictures, you are one lucky lady!

  3. It looks like your having a lot of fun xx
    Love your necklace! :)

    New post on Head Enough

  4. Ahh makes me miss Paris so much

    http://petitemaisonoffashion.blogspot.com/ ♥

  5. love the pictures ,and thanks for sharing paris pictures beautiful! xx


  6. lovely post, love the casual look with the necklace

  7. Ce poze frumoase <3 Si imi place tare mult oufit-ul tau.
    Sport-casual, perfect pentru vacanta :)

  8. Hi dear ! I'm agree with you: Paris it's an amazing place!!!! Kisses,


  9. Lovely photos! I'm going to Paris in one week, so excited!

  10. looks like you had an amazing time. paris is such a beautiful place!

  11. OMG Pariss... It will be a wish come true to have a day like this. You look amazing and so cute... This post is lovely <3


  12. Beautiful pictures
    You guys look adorable

    Love Vikee
